Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Vacation pics

Kelly at the Easter Egg Hunt held by the resort. She was one of the top 6 kids who collected the most eggs and received an Easter Basket prize.

The nice shot I took (not including the "Keep Off" sign) before I landed on my @$$.

Playing in the water of a small cove in front of the old Poipu Beach Hotel, where Kevin and I spent our honeymoon 20 years ago. (We got married when we were 13.) This old hotel was destroyed by Hurricane Iniki and lay in ruins for 15+ years until recently. From my observations, it looks like it is being restored to it's former style and glory, as opposed to the Waiohai next door, which was razed and rebuilt as a timeshare property.

Teaching C to stand up on the surfboard in the water.

C standing up while riding the wave. He actually did it... although it looks like he's going to tip over here.

Teaching K to stand on the board.

Despite having great balance, K was more comfortable riding the wave in on her stomach.

C and K with a Hawaiian monk seal on the beach at Poipu.

The Hawaiian Monk Seal is an endangered species. There are only 80 monk seals left in the area around the Hawaiian Islands, and a total population of 1,100 left in the world, declining 4% each year. Volunteers monitor the beaches and rope off a protected area around any seal that comes up on the beach to rest. C and K are at the edge of the roped area in the previous photo.


Melissa said...

thanks for sharing the photos.

ipm said...

these are GREAT! they are getting so big!!!

love that seal too... and the kids on the board? true Californians!!!