Thursday, April 03, 2008

A little adoption news

When we arrived home from our trip, a nice large yellow envelope was waiting for us from the Bureau of Immigration. Our I-171H had arrived. One more paperwork hurdle out of the way. Our dossier is on it's way to North Carolina for the final signatures and then it will be bundled up and sent with a traveling family to the Frank office in Moscow where it will be translated to Russian.

I just realized that I need to start accumulating cash from the bank again. I have some from our previous trip in the safe deposit box, but we will need more. It took me 3 or 4 trips to the bank last time to get enough crisp, unmarked bills.

Today I reviewed our packing list for Russia too. It's ready to go. I need to update the photo book that we have and to get some age-appropriate toys and sleepers to bring. But that can wait after we receive a referral. I also need to brush up on my Russian a bit.

So now, pretty much, we are ready to go.

Other tidbits:

It's time to start turning over my vegetable garden. I'll plant it toward the end of this month, sometimes even the first week of May. Right now some volunteer lettuces and peas are growing and I need to get out there are pick them.

C is full-swing into Little League this year. He's playing on a team called the Bees, named after the Sacramento Bees. Sadly, the S.F. Giants got off to a poor start with their season opener against the Dodgers. I hope we get to a game or two this season.

Season 3 of Battlestar Gallactica came out a couple of weeks ago and Kevin and I have been totally engrossed.

I missed my piano while on vacation. My repertoire now includes: Moonlight Sonata and Fur Elise by Beethoven, Bach's Prelude in C Major for the Well Tempered Clavichord, a Brahms waltz, and I am attempting a Mozart Sonata in C Major, which is making my head spin. (Note, these are edited versions of the originals, i.e. dumbed down.) I am also working on my D flat major scales to prepare for Debussy's Clare de Lune. I should find some contemporary music to play... but then I am always drawn back to the classics. Maybe some classic Beatles, if I can find the music. I was just up on YouTube looking at some of the piano clips and they put me to shame. I can only dream of playing like this someday. Isn't she awesome? I don't think I can make my fingers move that fast.

I read an excellent book on vacation: Water for Elephants. I highly recommend it.


Melissa said...

cant you ask your bank to order a certain amount of them. I went into my bank and told them I needed x amount of mint fresh 100s and they got them for me in 1-2 weeks.

6blessings said...

Sounds like things are progressing. My sister plays the piano. I took lessons but was never better than mediocre. She could play by ear. I am always amazed at those who can play well. Congrats!