Saturday, April 19, 2008

Deserves no title

Yesterday was a crappy day.

I called the director of our agency just to get an idea of how much longer the wait could be. He mentioned that more and more babyes are being adopted by Russian families because of the financial incentives offered by the Russian government. We talked about raising our age limit to 3 years old. I mentioned that our homestudy says that our age range says 8 months to 18 months, but a second child could be adopted at up to 3 years. And then he said that the Home Study agency was dumb for doing this because it's not very flexible. But wait.... isn't that exactly how you told us to word it two years ago? Moving on, I asked if there was anything else we could do to make ourselves more available for a referral and he said no... some families were registered in specific regions, but he didn't think that would give us any great advantage. So we patiently wait. Or not so patiently.

Probate paperwork. Enough said.

K's bunkbed arrived yesterday. The guys driving the delivery truck were afraid to drive it up my road because of low-hanging tree limbs, so I had to drive down to give them and the bed pieces a ride up to the house. They were quick in setting it up and the bed looks nice. It's hell to make that top bunk, but I already knew that. K couldn't wait to move into her new room and started moving her clothes. C couldn't wait for her to get out of the yellow room. They were squabbling over shared items.

I came home from C's baseball game early so that I could make dinner last night. C is playing so well! He's hitting the pitches solidly. He even hit a good solid double after I left. He was so excited! And darn it, I missed it.

After dinner I was worn out and went to bed early. I woke to find everyone asleep in their own beds, in their own separate rooms... apart... and Kev on the couch!

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you trudge along, trying to do the right thing, but you're just not making any progress... the path just gets longer and steeper?

I'm done with yesterday, and looking forward to today. Because it's the weekend, and I need a rest.


Melissa said...

how horrible. your agency should be more helpful instead of making you wait indefinitely.

ipm said...

oh gosh yeah!

thinking of you all... yeah for C and that double! and for K and her pink room....

and much love sent your way...