Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Docs Done

Today Kevin brought home the last of the documents that I need to take to Sacramento for apostilles tomorrow. He brought home the miracle document, the insurance letter I've been trying to get. And it's notarized too! Thank you, God! Kevin was able to go through his employer to get the letters we needed from the insurance company. And I was trying to get them by contacting the claims folks. Apparently that was the wrong approach.

Usually this time of year I post a nice birthday post about the twins' birthday. But suffice it to say, I ran around town like a crazy woman yesterday getting last minute documents and birthday stuff done. I can't believe I still managed to make the pumpkin pie. And now I'm fighting off a cold. Today wasn't much better. So much to do. I knew something was going to slip completely out of my mind this week... it was our piano lesson, today after school. I felt like crap, had stuff to mail, and those perfect bills to retrieve from the bank. Our piano teacher was very kind when I apologized to her on the phone, but she delivered a mild dose of guilt too. Which of course I deserved. (I left her sitting there for 45 minutes when she could have been doing anything else! Ugh.) My docs are ready now for our trip tomorrow. And I'll take the kids to the train museum again, although I think this bribe for a 5-hour ride (total) in the car is starting to get old. At least K wasn't swayed by it. Hopefully it's our last trip for a while. Until those post-placement reports need to get done, right?

We found out the name of the hotel we are staying at in the region we are going to. I googled it, and it doesn't show up in the city that I thought we were going to, but in one or two cities on the outskirts of the entire region! I have no idea where we are going, except that it is way the heck out there.


Melissa said...

glad that illusive letter is in your hands. now you can relax a little

ipm said...

I am praying for the cold to hit the road, but not the one you'll be on!!

love you... :)))

Maggie said...

woohoo! It must feel good to have all those docs complete.

Ronda said...

Yeah! So glad you've got it all done. What a relief.
Just checking once again that you aren't in harms way. Stay safe.


Deb said...

So glad you were able to get that letter and everything else completed.
You're on your way!