Saturday, June 07, 2008

Flights booked

We booked our flights through the internet on Delta. We connect through NY on the way to Moscow, and then through Atlanta on the way home. I'm glad so many of you left advice, because I completely forgot about the adoption rate. We're going to call tomorrow to see if we can't have that applied. And for the next two trips we may use the travel agent.

The only paperwork I have left to complete is my police clearance and trying to get a notarized letter from our insurance company. We are still struggling with this... and I wonder, "Are we the only ones that have ever adopted internationally that are insured by this major insurance company?" They've never heard of such a request. I'm hoping that Kevin's employer may be able to help us. I'm still awaiting a pile of docs from our Home Study agency too, which should have arrived today but didn't.

The kids' birthday is Monday, and they have been politely reminding me not to forget. My son is so funny, this year he wants a pumpkin pie for his birthday instead of a cake. Sounds good to me too! We just came home from his Little League end-of-season party. The team mom drew C's name out of a hat and he got to take home the team banner. He's very excited, and I figured he could hang it on his bedroom wall for a while. And then I'm going to put it under the mattress of his top bunk so that you see it from the bottom bunk... it'll contain all the strings that are hanging down from the bunkbed board that tickle your nose in the middle of the night.

Also in the news, Thursday night when Kev got home from a business trip we accidentally locked a raccoon in the garage. Talk about a one-animal wrecking crew. He marched all over the cars, leaving scratches I hope will buff out. He knocked stuff down from high places. He turned on the radio. He turned on the lights. He went upstairs and messed around (I haven't been up there yet). And he chewed away at the seal lining the bottom of the garage door and left it in pieces on the floor. There was blood and other bodily fluids... poor thing was distraught! When I hit the clicker button from the house, I saw this guy shoot out of the garage and run straight down the driveway. Big excitement for the kids!

I managed to get to the mall for a couple hours Friday after I dropped my aunt off at the airport. Yes, my aunt had been visiting since Monday and I wasn't much of a host, as I was glued to the phone, my computer, and then shooting off for appointments all over the place. But she was understanding, and she played the piano for me as I printed out our new paperwork. I loved it. Now I understand why Kevin asks me to play for him, even when I play the same three songs over and over. Anyway, it is a news flash that I made it to the mall and purchased some decent clothing for the trip so that I don't have to arrive in Russia during the summer with my faded T-shirts and ratty shorts (no joke). I even bought myself a suit that I can wear for court (positive thinking).

Now for the fun shopping: a few baby sleepers for sizing, a blanket to leave at the orphanage, and some small toys. Dare I say that I am feeling fairly positive right now? I hope everything goes well, because to have a baby in the house again? What fun that will be! And to be blessed enough to share in some of those milestones, like walking, talking, maybe even crawling.



Rachael said...

You must be so excited. Hope you have a great trip!

We had a racoon somehow get looked into our office (work). What a mess that was. Apparently it set off the alarm, the police showed up, called someone who let them in, they got it out, but then when everyone showed up to work on Monday (most of us not knowing what happened) we thought some major crime had occurred there based on the mysterious mess! They are busy, messy little creatures for sure!

Deb said...

You sound so excited! Glad you got the tickets purchased and started buying things to take for the baby.

Raccoon in the garage! Yikes!

How cute that your kids don't want you to forget their birthday. Like you ever would!

Melissa said...

one step closer. so happy for you. it is now becoming reality

ipm said...

so amazing!!! much love and prayers heading your ways, and tell the kids we say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

6blessings said...

Congratulations Sandy!! She sounds wonderful. I don't know if you remember or not, but our boys are from Stavropol. Email me with any questions.

Good luck getting things together.

Anonymous said...

Finally remembered I could check here to see what's going on! I remember going shopping for clothes to bring Kolya sweet! Thanks for the reminder. Relax (as if!) and enjoy the ride.

MandyJo013078 said...

Sandy -
I posted this on the comments on Debbie Brown's Blog and then I thought to myself you should go try to find Sandy's blog because that was so nice of her to point out that yeah the house doesn't need to be perfect! LOL! So see below for what I posted on Debbie's blog and thanks for being so supportive!

I have to post again - lol - the house wasn't always perfect, but they wanted it to be and I really at times felt overwhelmed because I was just 19 years old and going to school at night and trying to keep the babies happy, the house perfect, all the 'chores' completed, and being able to study for my college classes. There were times I totally felt like a single mom who had babysitters come at night to stay with 'my babies' I know it's not right that I felt like that but ... there were some days when I just couldn't help it. People to this day ask me how I did it and I guess I just figured it out because I didn't really have any other choice. It was my job and I loved the babies, but the situation wasn't always ideal. I did learn quickly to multi-task and I used to read for my college classes out loud to the babies while they were taking their bottles - they didn't care what I was reading really just liked the sound of my voice. I guess it's one of the reasons why I keep dragging my feet about starting my adoption as a single parent. I know I can raise an infant - I guess I'm not sure how much I want some one else to be enjoying all of the things that I want to be doing myself. Thanks for the compliment though - I've never regretted the years that I was the twins nanny - I will always look back on it as time well spent where I put my heart into the lives of two little boys.
- This is a reply to Sandy's comment -

Congrats on your adoption - I have yet to start mine for obvious reasons ... that I just posted above - I'm really not happy with the fact that I don't want to be the single mom that drops her baby off at daycare for 10 hours a day. So as much as I want to be a mom - I don't know that I can deal with being a who doesn't get to be with the baby all the time! Anyway... thanks for the support and have a great day!