Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stavropol Trip #2 Photos

Finally, I have been able to load my Stavropol photos. Here is a snapshot of our stay in the city.

Here is a flower bed being planted in June, when we were in Stavropol for our first trip.

Here is the same bed in August. It's beautiful!

Another lovely flower bed. Stavropol takes great pride in their gardens. Flowers are planted throughout the city. And citizens of the city make great use of the parks. As we walked around it was common to see every park bench occupied.

A peacock.

Something you don't see everyday.

This is not the most attractive picture, but what I see in it is the growth potential of Stavropol. Each one of these buildings near our hotel looks brand new. The area between them is fenced off dirt, assorted parking, trash. However, I see this corridor finally becoming a huge plaza joining up with the plaza behind the EuroHotel. Perhaps in a year or two.

Stavropol is full of WWII monuments, which is known as the Great Patriotic War. Here is another that Kevin happened upon during his early morning run.

This is how most of the flower beds are watered. Workers were hand digging long lengths of trenches to install automatic watering to the beds around the plaza near the hotel. More progress.

The mud chicken, waiting to be planted in June.

The mud chicken is now the organic, free range chicken.


Deb said...

Great pictures of the flower beds and progress. I'm sure M will appreciate all the pictures when she is older.
I really like the chicken.

ipm said...

the gardens are a lot like the UK... what beauty!

Rachael said...

Wow. It's really beautiful!