Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Afternoon on the Deck

We had a couple of hours today to spend the Indian summer afternoon on our deck together. C painted his Haunted Pirate Ship. K painted a squirrel picture. And M played with the hose.

It was one of those moments where you try to take a mental picture to remember forever. Peaceful, warm, no stress.

A glimpse of heaven.

K stacked the sand toys to make a fountain. I thought it was pretty cool that she thought of that. M did too.

M got stuck in the hose.

Everything has to go in the mouth.

K with her squirrel painting. (Shame on you... that's it's tail!)

C painting his pirate ship.


Rachael said...

Indain Summer has passed by in our part of the world: it is now firmly sweatshirt weather! So, I'm a bit jealous. It does look like a little bit of heaven!

ipm said...

it has been nice lately! what great shots and a truly memorable moment...

Deb said...

Great day! Great memories!