Sunday, October 05, 2008

One Month Past

One month has sped by since M came home. I cannot believe it. There is so much I want to write about her and how she is doing, how we are doing, but it seems that I cannot find the time to sit down. I went back and read my writings about the twins and decided that I must do the same for M. My video camera is loaded and ready. I finally caught her first steps a few days ago. She took a couple steps the day before her first birthday (last Tuesday) and it took me three or four days to actually have the camera in hand when she was doing it again.

Unfortunately I don't have much time again to write, but I will share a few pictures.

M in her birthday dress on her special day. She was home exactly one month on her birthday. We had a quiet day and finished with a nice dinner, cupcakes and a few presents.

Here is M enjoying her first cupcake. She LOVED it... had never tasted anything SO good. We enjoyed watching her eat it. (M is a great eater, by the way. She prefers anything home made. Loves MEAT. And the only thing I've seen her push away is blueberry yogurt and mixed grain baby cereal. She can feed herself small bits but will shove it all into her mouth if we're not careful so we have to monitor how much she gets at a time. She's very mouthy... has to put everything into her mouth and taste everything, so we have to be careful with small things. We've been lucky so far.)

Kevin took the twins and M geocaching yesterday. So here is M on her first geocaching trip. You can't start too early. She enjoyed the outing and the twins had a good time too. We just had 3/4" of rain Saturday and the forest around us smells heavenly! I stayed home and got some stuff done that I've been meaning to do for a while. (Hemming some curtains for my friend, V. You can't do rotary cutting and pinning with a baby nearby.)

M and I having a goodnight hug last night before Kevin put her to bed. She was WIPED out after her day of geocaching and hiking with Dad. Of course this is no surprise.


Maggie said...

Happy Birthday to your little girl!

And, you've inspired me. I just signed up on the geocaching website and printed out the clues for one location. When Slugger wakes up in the morning, I'm going to see if he's interested in trying it out. (I KNOW he'll be interested!) It should be fun!

ipm said...

oh, these are LOVELY!!!

time goes by so fast... sigh...

joslinster said...

Of COURSE she loves cupcakes! She's such a kid! Cute pictures :)

Deb said...

Happy Birthday! She looks so cute in her birthday dress taking steps.
She is so beautiful!