Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Photos

C and K coloring Easter eggs.

My better half.

The grandchildren hunting for Easter eggs at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Just us with my grandmother, Elaine.

The family gathered for Easter. (front) L, E, B, P, C, K, (rear) Judy, Dan, Laura, Tom, Pat, Kevin and Sandy. Picture graciously taken by my brother-in-law, Nate.

1 comment:

ipodmomma said...

great pictures!!! ooohhh... :)))

this was the first year we didn't do any eggs... the past few I've been filling plastic ones, but this year, nada...

guess this means they are getting older! or I am getting lazy.... one of the two.

looks like you all had a fine time.. :))) and no rain!