Tuesday, April 18, 2006

March Weekend at Pismo

Karen, myself, Garnet and Terry at the base of Madonna Mountain.

A few weekends ago I met my college roommates for a weekend at Pismo Beach. We try to have a weekend reunion once a year if we can manage it. We first met when we were students at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I met Garnet my first year (1983) at a Campus Crusade meeting. We immediately become close friends and were able to share a dorm room together after our first roommates miraculously moved out on us at the same time. Our second year at Cal Poly Garnet and I moved into the Triangle Apartments on Grand Street. Terry and Karen were living in an apartment downstairs with Sue and Teresa. Garnet and I met these girls through the guys in the apartment next door to us... Don, Whitney, Craig and Kevin. (Yes! and I met my husband Kevin there too!) At the end of our second year, Terry, Karen, Garnet and I moved into our apartment on Boysen Street, and we lived together there for the next 2 1/2 to 3 years until we each graduated. Going to school at Cal Poly was an amazing experience, but living with my girlfriends made it spectacular.

Sunset from the top of Madonna Mountain.

Dinner at Giuseppe's. No, we are not drinking that bottle of wine!

Giuseppe's in Pismo is possibly the BEST Italian restaurant that I've ever eaten at.


ipodmomma said...

wonderful!!! how good to have that time to get away with friends and hang out...

I recall on the Cal Poly tour the gal mentioned Pismo a few times, how nice it was to have such a great beach so close by...

love the sunset too!!!

Maggie said...

Sounds like a fun night. I had a big group of friends at college and we used to get together every 4-5 months, but have since stopped. You've inspired me to try to schedule another get together (maybe post-adoption, though).

oldhall said...

Hey, I remember Garnet! (but only just)