Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday morning

The sun is out this morning and the trees are sparkling with raindrops, surrounded by the mist left behind by last night's storm. I tried to capture it with my camera but the photographs cannot express the movement of the scene, the shimmering of the tree branches as they gently sway, or the droplets falling like diamonds. Perhaps it's also the digital camera that cannot focus on the brightness of the droplets. I love it here when the sun comes out after it rains.

I think just this weekend, Friday included, we had at least 7 inches of rain. Yesterday afternoon we dressed in our rain gear and headed out to check on the creek and the ditches. Kevin unplugged a drainpipe that had it filled with any more debris would have washed away our neighbor's backyard. (We know that from past experience.) All the ditches were running with clean, cold water. It was beautiful! The kids tromped in the seasonal creek that crosses the bottom of our property while I admired the trees and stepped over countless downed branches. There's a lot of clearing to do on the 'lower 40' (well, actually the lower 1). I wonder how motivated our teenage neighbor across the street is to earn some bucks. (What I should be thinking is, "How motivated am I to lose some pounds and get some exercise??")

Kevin and I visited the county sheriff's office this morning to pick up his police clearance letters and to get the required letter that says "We don't put the place of birth on the clearance letter." Good thing I went, as the notary wording was wrong. I wonder how many others are getting caught by the notary acknowledgment wording change. And what does the Secretary of State do when you go for apostilles and the old wording is used? I don't know.

Every piece of our dossier is scheduled, ordered or done except for the letter of recommendation from a psychologist or psychiatrist. I count my blessings that we don't professionally know a person with these credentials, but it also makes it difficult to figure out who to use. That's my goal today... to have an appointment scheduled.

Yesterday when the kids were doing their homework, K came up with something that continues to crack me up....1. First, I put on my uder close. (underclothes)
2. Then, I put on my udols. (underalls)
3. Next, I put on my snow jakit. (jacket)
4. Last, I put on my scof and poots and mitis. (scarf, boots, and mittens)

I will forever now ask her to go put on her poots and mitis. =) I can't stop giggling. K tells me, "Mom, it's not funny to me." Well, it will be when you have your own little son or daughter.


ipm said...

oh my goodness that was cute!!!

lots of rain... I love it... as you know... :)))

Maggie said...

Poots and mitis. Too cute.

Maggie said...

p.s. As I was putting him to bed tonight, Slugger sweetly said "Mommy, I hope you feel better soon." When I got to the stairs he added "Because we've got NO food!"

Kids. They keep you laughing.

junglemama said...

Thanks for the clarification. I had no clue what udols were. :)

Melissa said...

very cute. you gotta love it. that medical stuff they make you do is so annoying. i hope it went well for you.

Suz said...

Sandy, I am so glad you commented on my blog.

Now that I'm so out of the blog loop, I've only got time to check a few blogs when I'm at hubby's office and I had been missing yours!

I am SOOOO happy you are jumping back in! We'll get our feet wet again - together!