Thursday, April 10, 2008

This week... a new lawn

Not a whole lot has been going on this week. I had a dream over the weekend that I was meeting our little one for the first time and she was beautiful. Therefore, I've been looking forward to the phone ringing this week. And it did. But it was the probate examiner, who got all over my case for having some mistakes in my probate paperwork. Sigh.

But on the brighter side, we're having our lawn replaced this week. The landscaper started on Monday and should be done tomorrow. It's going to look so very nice when it's done.

BEFORE: our lovely lawn. Note the nicely browned patch in the middle from our plastic blow-up pool last summer. The grass never recovered. To add to our pool damage, six years of no sun during the winter, the occasional gopher, and persistent moles have left the whole area ragged.

Monday: tearing out the old sod.

Tuesday: adding topsoil to build up the lawn area. Over the last six years it sank below the level of the concrete.

Wednesday: laying down the gopher wire, and then more soil over the top. I hope this wire keeps out the moles and gophers... I put our traps away today.

Thursday: first thing this morning, adding the last of the topsoil (an inch or so) over the gopher wire. I bought about 24 plants yesterday and they were put into the ground today too.

More pics tomorrow when it's all done.

I also returned to the gal that does my hair... and she did right by me. I am once more a brunette. What a relief to not look in the mirror and cringe, to not have my husband call me Skipper, or a close friend say that my hair looks like dried cow dung. Ha ha.... and she was serious.


ipm said...

looking forward to seeing it in a few hours!!

your hair that is... :)))

lawn will be lovely too, I'm sure....

sandy said...


Rachael said...

Oh, I am looking forward to seeing some after pictures! (Since I am SO jealous right now.) My grass is terrible, but our yard is HUGE. Pulling it out and starting over is not really an option right now.