Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A few photos of Tahoe 2008

Our trip to Tahoe was as fun this year as it always is. As the kids get older, each year the camping is a little easier. I'm hoping that next year we have trouble making everything fit in the car and that I am frustrated with the dirt and having no time to myself. Isn't that an odd thing to wish for? But I am hoping that next year we will be camping with a 22-month-old baby girl.

The highlights of our trip this year included dock-jumping (of course), biking (now the kids are old enough to take their bikes on the dirt trails), pony beads, forest fairies, rafting on the Truckee river, hiking, MadLibs, bracelet knotting, the beach at Meeks Bay, marshmallow roasting, and the highlight of our trip... some dear cousins from South Carolina flew out to join us for a couple of days before heading up to Northern California to visit more family.

Here are a few photos of our trip... just the ones from my newer camera. Once we download the ones from the Powershot I'll upload those too.

The beautiful promise of childhood joy! Nothing compares to jumping off the dock.

All the cousins with their grandparents.

B and C roasting marshmallows for S'mores.

Love that S'more!

My dear sister-in-law, Laura, enjoying her own S'more.

Aunt and uncles join cousin B for a dock jump.

K building a forest fairy village with her cousins.  Last year my sister-in-law brought materials to make forest fairies and made them for all the cousins... and then the parents sat back and enjoyed our free time while the kids went wild building little houses for them.  This year they couldn't wait to do it again and had a whole village going, even a church!

P concentrating on his house, complete with wall-to-wall lichen carpeting.

The men  cleaning up after dinner.

L, C and B... dirty and having a good time hanging out.

B jumping... I just couldn't resist...  it's such a beautiful shot.

K and M at the breakfast table.

Someone's in the dog house!

Kevin and C taking a jump on the last day before we drove home.


ipm said...

oh, these are fantastic!!!

oh my, what a great time had! and next year, what will that bring??? hee hee hee...

ta love...

Rachael said...

Lake Tahoe is SO beautiful. We vacationed there once, about 7 years ago during the summer and I've always wanted to go back. It looks like you had a nice time.

Melissa said...

wow, what an amazing time you must have had. looks beautiful there.

Deb said...

The water looks beautiful. So blue. Looks like a great trip. I love that you can't wait for next years trip to be so much harder. It will be a lot of fun to see your 3 kids playing there next year.