Sunday, August 03, 2008

One week to go...

When we returned home from our camping trip to Lake Tahoe I realized that these next three weeks will be the last three weeks that I spend summer vacation alone with C and K. What a bittersweet realization... I wanted to savor every moment with them, but somehow dragging them around on my adoption-related errands just doesn't count for well-spent time together.

The first week was pretty busy running around getting my ducks organized. This past week we settled down, and amazingly the kids requested that we stay home most of the days, which shows just how much I load them in the car and go. I still had stuff to do around here, but we sat down and played card games, and Monopoly, and Legos. We went to the beach one afternoon... it was heaven! I need to do that more. One more week... sigh.

Only one more week because once we leave on our trip, when we get back we will have probably 5-6 days before we leave again. And then the kids will start school on the 27th of August, and we will miss their first day of school. Soccer is starting up soon, and much as the kids enjoy the sport, it's incredibly time-consuming with the evening practices during the week and Saturdays all taken up with games. So this next week for me and the twins is going to be precious.

I think I finished my shopping for the trip yesterday. I have a few snacks I need to pick up, but the donation and gift-shopping are about wrapped up. For the caregivers, I found some hand-painted pie birds from Santa Cruz. They're a small collectible item made locally, but now I'm having second thoughts about whether these are just dumb gifts for the truly amazing women that take care of the babies day after day. It's hard buying a small, not too expensive gift, for someone you do not know, from a different country, with different customs. I thought I would personalize it by having the instructions translated into Russian and perhaps including a recipe for apple or berry pie. While pies are common in Russia (thanks to my Google browsing I know this), they are not quite the same pies that we make here. So I don't know if a pie recipe would work... plus their measurements are by weight and metrics, making it more complicated. Perhaps I am over-thinking all of this.

Well, to start this precious week, I have a wet bed to change, and a child in the shower. Gotta go for now.


Maggie said...

Wow! The time is really drawing near.

I know just what you mean about feeling like you don't spend enough time. Slugger and I just spent all morning doing fun things together. Yet, as I sit down at my computer to work (after checking blogs), I feel guilty.

ipm said...

thinking of you... what a special time for you all!

kate said...

"Pie" here is a completely different food. When I make American pies (I do it for school every Thanksgiving) they're certainly a curiosity. People enjoy them. ;>

(Remember to change your butter into grams. And, I've never seen shortening here, so stick to butter.)

Enjoy those last few days!

Deb said...

I think the locally hand painted gift will be great for the care givers. I always heard/read that they enjoy receiving something that is from your area.

I know you'll enjoy this last week with the kids.