Thursday, July 03, 2008

June Family Photos

These were taken with my new camera.

K is being kidnapped by some of the non-native wildlife while C tries to rescue her. (A movie will be forthcoming....)

C at his last Little League game of the season.

K playing Ode to Joy at her first piano recital.

K going for her birthday ride on Misty, the POA pony she takes her lessons on.

Giving Misty a rinse after the ride. It was a warm day.

C's new mount.

Blowing out candles on their birthday. K had cupcakes and C wanted pumpkin pie... and after the candles were blown out we all ate pie, even K!

K in the jump house during the party this weekend.

K taking a swing at the pinata. We had the bigger kids wear a blindfold for the first round of swings, until we realized we would be there forever if someone didn't really start pounding on it. It finally broke after three rounds.

How many dad's does it take to light candles on a birthday boy's pie? It took three (3) dads to finally light C's candles!

What the garden is looking like right now. The lighting of these two garden photographs is yellow because the smoke from the Big Sur Basin fire was covering the sky and raining ashes upon us last Sunday. The fire is still burning out of control, and the town of Big Sur is in danger. The terrain is so steep and heavily fueled they don't think they'll be able to get the fire put out until August.

Another view of the garden, from atop the water tank. You can see my bean poles in the upper left, and the kids' boxes on the second level. We are having two contests this year: a sunflower contest (prizes for the tallest, biggest flower, prettiest flower) and a pumpkin contest (prizes for largest, smallest, orangest, greenest, and most pumpkins per vine). K is winning with the tallest sunflower right now. She kisses it and gives it presents. C's pumpkin vines are out of control!


6blessings said...

Wow! I haven't had hardly any time to breathe, much less catch up on blogs recently, but WOW! I'm so glad you have found your daughter, met her and are waiting on trip 2. The pictures of Stavropol brought a chuckle. It brought back many memories! We certainly spent enough time there. Congratulations and I'll have to try to keep caught up.

BTW, love the bday party pics. Looks like fun! Twin birthdays are always full of excitement.

Rachael said...

Great pictures. Your garden is really impressive!

Melissa said...

I love seeing pics of your kids. thanks for sharing

Deb said...

Great pics!

The garden looks great. Dave would be jealous.

laura said...

Hi Sandy,
I found your blog by researching orphanages in Stavropol. My husband, Greg, and I are adopting a 2 year old from there. I'm not certain, but it seems that she may be at the Baby House on Gornaya Street. I know that the doctor at the orphanage is Ludmila Uvarova. It would be great to find other parents that have adopted from there or if by some miracle someone has met her. We were just matched with her but since she has special needs we may be able to take the first trip next month. GULP. Your blog has great information and it will help us tremendously in preparing for our own journey.
Thanks for letting me invade your blog! It would be great if you would like to email me directly, that is if you have the time!
Thanks again and congratulations on finding your treasure of a daughter.
Laura Paley

Karen Clark said...

I love the pictures of your family and your garden. It was a blessing to meet you. I will keep up with your adoption journey through your blog.

ipm said...

love the new look!!!

joslinster said...

wow! I don't know how you have time for all that! I love your new site. Can't wait to hear from you after your next trip. By the way, I have 43 tomatoes and giant zucchini. You would be so proud.