Monday, October 27, 2008

A walk in the redwoods with the Scrabble Queen

My friend, Terry, came to visit last weekend to meet M and to spend some time with us. She came with three of her children (L, C and R) and it was a fun weekend as we got to know each other's kids better. We had the greatest time! The kids had fun playing together. Kevin was in fine form and took us all on a geocaching adventure where we could exchange trinkets from two caches in the woods at Roaring Camp in Felton, while skillfully avoiding the poison oak (which is so pretty this time of year, by the way). Terry's two boys, C and R, both took turns with the GPS. We then walked across the tracks and did what we call the "number hike". It's basically a flat half-mile loop through some of the most majestic redwoods in the area. There's even a redwood tree with an enormous cave inside it, that for all the years that I have been to this park and doing this loop with the kids I did not know about. Of course, inside was another microcache that the kids had to feel around in the dark for.

Terry's and my favorite part of these visits is when we play Scrabble to see who will take on the new title, "Scrabble Queen". I begrudgingly handed the crown to Terry this time because she gave me a sound whuppin', with more than a 100 point spread in the first game. The second game was going the same direction when we realized it was so late that we both threw in the towel. I say 'begrudgingly' because it is my opinion that she took advantage of me by talking through the entire two games thereby completely throwing off my concentration. Of course, there will be a rematch.

The little kids at Roaring Camp.

The number hike.

C in the redwoods.

The Scrabble Queen and M.

R, L, C, K and C inside the redwood cave.


joslinster said...

Anyone who uses the words begrudgingly and geocacheing should be able to win Scrabble. :)

ipm said...

lovely!!! great to get together with friends and kids... :)))

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first comment. I guess I just forgot that in order for you to win me, you need total silence and concentration! Loved the pix!